Wrap Party
The Rundberg Alliance partners with the Dobie Family Resource Center in assisting with the Wrap Party! Students are give the gift of giving a gift to w younger sibling and wrapping said gift!

Every October the Rundberg Alliance hosts a Fall Festival and Trick-Or-Treat Safe Zone on Rundberg Lane. Families and kids can enjoy activities and games while walking Rundberg Lane. Local business owners open their doors for trick-or-treating. Neighborhood Police greet families and ensure everyone has a fun and safe night on Rundberg Lane.
Students and community leaders gathered at Guerrero Thompson Elementary School to participate in conversations facilitated by trained Lanier High School students. These conversations helped surface issues that students care about in their neighborhood, and started conversation about the types of changes they want to see happen.

In collaboration with students from the R.E.A.D. Alliance, local artists painted the cistern at Barrington Elementary School in the rain garden. The images incorporated drawings from students who live in the Rundberg Education Achievement District.
Every year, The Rundberg Alliance hosts a Spring Festival to celebrate the many incredible cultures present in the neighborhood.

Students at the Gus García Recreation Center identified that the Rundberg Educational Achievement District was home to many people from all over the world. Working with a teaching artist, students decided to make a wayfinding sign pointing in all the directions people call home around the world. The sign will be installed near the recreation center in the Summer of 2019.

In partnership with all the schools in the Rundberg Academic Advancement District, The Rundberg Alliance was able to receive trash cans to be placed near each school in school colors. Barrington Elementary School, Dobie Middle School, Dobie Pre-School, Guerrero Thompson Elementary, Harmony Science Academy, and Idea Rundberg. As a result, Rundberg lane is cleaner and has trash cans initiated by R.E.A.D. Alliance to clean up the streets where kids walk every day.